Elizabeth Prelogar, in her first argument as U.S. Solicitor General, for Respondent in Kahler v. Kansas / October 7, 2019
Lucas Walker argues for Petitioner in Abitron Austria v. Hetronic International / March 21, 2023 / Jeff Lamken, co-counsel.
Kristen Waggoner argues for Petitioner in 303 Creative v. Elenis / December 5, 2022
Tom O'Connor argues for Respondent in McDonough v. Smith / April 17, 2019.
Fay Clayton argues Scheidler v. National Organization for Women.
Rita McGuire for Petitioner in Arizona v. Navajo Nation / March 20, 2023 / Shay Dvoretzky for Respondent.
Neal Katyal standing by a Crespi painting of his Supreme Court argument.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg during a Supreme Court argument.
Federal Defender Andrew Adler argues from home on behalf of Tarahrick Terry.
Sarah Harris argues from home in Carr v. Saul.
Todd has covered the Supreme Court for 20 years, starting as official CNN artist during the historic Bush v. Gore cases.
He has also covered many other federal and state court cases. Artwork from those arguments is displayed in court houses, universities, and law firms across the country.